Basic Concept & Characteristics of Computer


A computer is a programmable electronic device which is capable of performing arithmetic and logical operations automatically and sequentially on the input given by the user and gives the desired output after processing.

Addition, Subtraction, multiplication, division etc. are the arithmetic operations and greater-then, less-then, equal etc. are the logical operations which are performed by the computer quickly and precisely. 

Components of Computer are basically divided into two major categories namely Hardware and Software. Hardware are the physical components of computer means the machine itself and its connected devices such as monitor, keyboard, mouse etc. Software are the set of programs and information stored in computer that make use of hardware for performing various functions.


As you all know Computer has become a part of our life and made our life very easy. Presence of computers can be seen in almost every sphere because its characteristics made it so powerful and universally useful. Let’s learn about some important characteristics of computer


Computer works at an enormous speed and perform approximately 3 to 4 million instructions per second without making any mistakes. It takes an hour or a day for a person to do a mathematical calculation or any work, whereas same calculation or work can be done in seconds by the computer. Speed of computer can be measures in millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond and picosecond.


In addition to being fast, computers are very accurate also. It performs exceptionally complicated tasks with incredible accuracy. Errors that may occur in computer system can always be attributed to human error like inaccurate data, poorly designed system or faulty instructions/programs written by the programmer.


Unlike human beings, computers are highly consistent. Any person can tired in couple of long stretches of working but computer has the ability to do any work continuously for many hours, days, months. They do not suffer from human traits like boredom and tiredness resulting lack of concentration. Computers are also better than human beings in performing repetitive jobs without making any mistakes. You can’t expect this from a human.


Computers are versatile machines and are capable of performing various different kinds of tasks at a time with same accuracy and efficiency. They can be used for typing, drawing, net surfing, watch movie, listen music and play games etc. Because of this characteristic, presence of computers can be seen in almost every sphere like School, Colleges, Shopping Malls, Railways reservation, Banking & Accounts, Medical Diagnosis etc.


Today’s computers can store huge volumes of data in form of graphics, audio, videos, documents etc. due to its large storage capacity.

A piece of information once stored in the computer, can never be forgotten and can be accessed almost instantaneously even after many years. Storage capacity of a computer can be measured in Mega-Bites (MB), Giga-Bites (GB), Tera-Bites (TB) and so on.

6. NO IQ

Computer is a dumb machine because it cannot complete any work or task without the instructions of user. It is you to decide what you want from computer to do and in what sequence. Computer is completely relies on the user. It cannot take its own decision as you can.


Computer does not have feeling or emotions, taste, knowledge and experience. Thus, it does not get tired even after long hours of work. It doesn’t learn or remember any task which performed. Every time you have to give instructions or command for repeat work. It does not distinguish between users.


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